Knowing the importance of career assessment test in education can be of great help for those who are puzzling over what to do after 12th. The online “Career Assessment Tests” are designed to guide you towards your ideal-fit career or help you know what career is right for you.
An online Career Assessment Test is a pre-set objective type test accessible via internet, in which you are given questions with multiple answers choices. The questions relate to various aspects of your interests, skills, personality, values and aptitudes. These tests work by assessing your responses to a set of pre-defined answers to listed questions. Career Assessment Test can help as a further validation of your self-assessment to open newer avenues that you never paid attention to.
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How Does Career Assessment Tests Work
As a respondent taking the test, you click on the answer most appropriate for you from among the options given. At the end of the test, a report is created based on your selected answers that work as clues to pinpoint your potential areas of professional abilities. Some key highlights of such reports are often major and minor potentials, work personality, ideal work environment, value compatibility etc.
Online assessment tests are designed to correlate your aspects to various career streams to find the best match between the two.
Importance of Career Assessment Test in Education
Even if you are very clear in your mind about what you have to do, there may be some aspects of your personality that are hidden and you are not aware of them. You may be oblivious to your potential in one field, just as you may be over-confident of your abilities in another field. In any case, online Career Assessment Tests can help as a further validation of your self-assessment to open newer avenues that you did not know existed.
And if you are confused and have little idea of what to do and where to go in terms of career, online assessment tests help by giving you a clearer focus and narrowing your career options to an optimal few.
Validity of The Results of Career Assessment Tools
Unless and until you are totally honest in your answers, the whole purpose of online Career Assessment Tests is defeated. Many respondents carry their biases and pre-conceived notions about themselves into their answers. Their answer choices reflect who they wish they were, rather than who they actually are. Well, an assessment test is not a magic wand. It can determine your mind by your answers but it cannot second-guess you. So take these tests only if you can be fully honest about your own self.
Remember, a well tailored and honestly answered online assessment test will give you important insights and help you arrive at a better decision over something that’s of critical importance to the rest of your life. Think of these results as a guiding beacon.
Benefits of Career Assessment Test in Education
Apart from the huge factor of moving you towards a direction most optimal for you, these tests have some other advantages too. For one, you can take them at the time and hour that suits you, and at a place that’s convenient to you. You do not have to take an appointment with a career counsellor, or pay them a visit or pay their fees. These factors can be especially helpful, if you are living in a not-so-mainstream area. There is no prior preparation required. You can find career assessment tests that are available online for free.
Even those that charge fees are quite affordable. Most of these tests are designed based on psychological theories developed by reputed researchers in this field e.g. Briggs and Myers, Carolyn Kalin, Richard Nelson Bolles and John Holland etc. Their work has stood the test of time, and is widely accepted. Plus, the tests available at reputed sites (e.g. web sites of reputed universities and career guidance publications) have a certain degree of extra credibility.
How to Know Reliability of Assessment Tests
Like all other major and minor decisions of life, you need to exercise some caution and discernment here too. Firstly, it is better to stick to reputable sites (e.g. those of leading career counsellors, educational institutions or career-related publications). These are more likely to offer scientifically validated tests. Secondly, do not stop at one test. Take 3 or 4 or more. Overlapping areas of these multiple results should stand out as key career areas for you to take a close look at.
Many sites offering online assessment tests offer a summary of results, but may charge a fee for the detailed version with specific areas of consideration being highlighted. You can first assess the summaries offered by various sites, and then pay extra to the one that feels most appropriate for a detailed report card.
One more point though, if a website is charging an exorbitant fee, it is best avoided as it is more likely to be a money spinning vehicle for the operator. If a site promises one-to-one online session with a career adviser, ensure the name and qualifications of the adviser. Only a certified counsellor or psychologist is worth your time and money.
Interpretation of Online Assessment Results
Think of these results as a guiding beacon, a path that’s opening new vistas for you to explore before you choose your final road to destination. If there are some unexpected career options in the report that you are very surprised to see, some pointers that you hadn’t even imagined as being remotely connected to your career plans, do not simply dismiss them out of hand. Do spend some time on their feasibility and appeal. Imagine yourself handling those kinds of jobs, go and talk to people engaged in similar work. Who knows you just haven’t realized what you are actually cut out for! After all, sometimes we tend to overlook what’s right in front of our eyes.
Go ahead; give a chance to online assessment tests. They come in very handy in pointing you to the right direction career-wise. Even if you are convinced about the guidance and the information released by these tests, discuss these findings with a trusted and experienced adviser. Family elders, parents and siblings too can be an excellent source of genuine career advice. Nobody knows you better than your family members. Their personalized advice can be an invaluable addition towards finalizing your career choice.
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